Last Friday afternoon the residents of Sotogrande were shocked to see smoke bellowing in to the sky coming from the Gibraltar side of Sotogrande and rising high in to the sky whipped up by the change in wind direction. What started as a small bush fire in the natural park of the Guadiquton adjacent to Sotogrande quickly escalated in to a raging fire. The local services are to be praise for the rapid respond and within a short space of time helicopters were flying over the houses helped by 2 sea planes. The Sotogrande local security forces took to the road to control the traffic as many people flocked to get a better view. We are happy to report that to the best of our knowledge none of the Villa or home in the Sotogrande was affected. It is wonderful to know that Sotogrande is well prepared for any emergency
Sabina Falconer
In Südafrika geboren und in den lebendigen Gemeinden von Gibraltar und Sotogrande aufgewachsen, hat Sabina die Immobilienbranche im Blut. Sabinas Engagement, die individuellen Bedürfnisse und Wünsche jedes Kunden zu verstehen, stellt sicher, dass jede Immobilien-Transaktion mit Präzision und Sorgfalt durchgeführt wird.