Property advertising and finding the right media strategy is a big part of our marketing process!

Sabina Falconer avatar
Sabina Falconer
31 MÄRZ 2016Nachrichten
Bm Sotogrande Magazine

We know that our owners would like us to get the property to the widest market reach possible in the aim of securing the correct client for their property. In this era of multiple media platforms it is difficult to know where and when to advertise. We regular tweet, blog, facebook and google-plus to try and cover all the social media bases.

With all the social media covered we have recently reviewed our print media and how best to serve the need of our owners. There are literally thousands of magazine covering property out there and after carefully research we have narrowed it down to Country life international the Good Property Guide as our media partners. As well we have a regular advertisement in the local El Periodic which goes out monthly out of season and bi-weekly in season.

See page 21 of the current edition of Country life and we have a feature in the 10 anniversary edition of the Good property guide

So to all our owners - we are doing our very best to bring qualified clients to your door –and to our future owner you can trust us to do the best for you one day too!


Sabina Falconer avatar

Sabina Falconer


In Südafrika geboren und in den lebendigen Gemeinden von Gibraltar und Sotogrande aufgewachsen, hat Sabina die Immobilienbranche im Blut. Sabinas Engagement, die individuellen Bedürfnisse und Wünsche jedes Kunden zu verstehen, stellt sicher, dass jede Immobilien-Transaktion mit Präzision und Sorgfalt durchgeführt wird.